Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Can't Believe It...

    It is so very hard to believe that eight weeks ago today, I gave birth to my precious little boy!! And now he is so very alert, smiling everyday, and of course keeping me busy with all of the awesome diapers that he loves to leave presents in haha. This little boy steals my heart every moment of everyday!! I wish that I could share the joy that he gives me with all of my family and friends that I have back in the U.S.  It's moments like these that make living in Japan hard. Today is just one of those days that I am super homesick, and just want to be able to hug my family and friends and just show them my baby boy and let their hearts be warmed like mine is everyday.  My son is my world and I am SO happy that he entered my life only eight little weeks ago. :)


Sue // As It Seems said...

I don't know why but this picture makes me think of the "Who's" from the Grinch. He'd be the cutest Who ever!

Heather said...

Haha thank you :)

DSR said...

What a darling little boy. My little one just turned 5 months earlier this week and it is so incredible how quickly the time flies. I never really understood people who said "oh, they grow up so quickly" until recently. Enjoy every single moment with your little man...even those filled with poopy diapers!

Heather said...

Aw thank you!! Yes they do grow so fast!! My son has grown so much haha. I'm enjoying every moment and as much as I want him to grow up and be successful I still want him to stay my small little baby haha. I'm sure every mother is like that!!